Friday, July 2, 2010

WOWZA blog candy

Okay..Many of you who know me.. know that I don't do many "Blog Candy Alerts".. one of the reasons why.. is because unless I really LIKE the persons blog that is sponsoring the candy, and I feel that going to their blog will benefit you not just for the CANDY but because you would enjoy looking around there.. as I have.. then I don't want to put my "name" on it if you would.. I know that sounds kind of silly but that is one of the reasons why.. so when I saw that Maria was giving away this AMAZING blog candy.. I INSTANTLY went and looked around her blog crossing my fingers that it was as amazing as her candy.. and WOW her blog is even better.. her designs & style is beautiful.. and worth just going over there to look at the blog.. I have become a follower because her stuff is simply divine.. I know you will too once you see it.. and while you are there... let everyone else know about her blog too.. :) She tells you to cross your fingers that you will win.. well I am crossing my FINGERS, TOES, LEGS, ARMS, EYES and anything else I can cross.. :) HUGS
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1 comment:

Maria Therese said...

Thank you Alison for all those sweet and kind words!! Hugs!!!!